All the updates on the activities of the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori.



  • Andrea Ceccherini and Christine Lagarde
    March 31, 2023

    Nuovi incontri per il futuro – Future-oriented meetings

    Andrea Ceccherini and Christine Lagarde

    The ECB and Osservatorio presidents met 400+ European students in "Young Factor" program to discuss future economic and financial challenges during the event "An International Dialogue to Connect Young People to the Future".

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  • Memorandum of Understanding for Economic and Financial Literacy in Europe
    June 16, 2022

    Memorandum of Understanding for Economic and Financial Literacy in Europe

    Governors of European central banks and the President of the Permanent Observatory of Young Publishers sign a pact for "Working together to improve economic and financial literacy of young people in Europe". Andrea Ceccherini (President Osservatorio Giovani Editori): "Economic-financial education is an essential element to fully understand the facts of our time and is now necessary if you want to be citizens and not subjects. The commitment signed today stems from the involvement with the main institutions and Governors of central banks and from a common commitment to spread in Europe more economic education-that can really be a fundamental tool to make this world a better place"

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