Profile of the Osservatorio President
Born on 31 March 1974 in Florence, Andrea Ceccherini went to a High School in Scandicci and later read Law at Florence University.
Politics has been his passion since he was a young man and he always dreamt he could contribute to change the world which he believed could only be brought about by young people. Having this goal in mind, in 1995 he created ‘Progetto Città’. This project still exists today and aims to ensure that the new managerial generation is fully prepared to face future challenges.
In the year 2000, alongside Cesare Romiti and Andrea Riffeser Monti, he created the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori. The Osservatorio mission is to encourage the development of critical thinking in young people, ensure today’s young people become tomorrow’s critical readers, better citizens, more involved in change and active players in a stronger democracy.
Over the years, the Osservatorio has enrolled millions of Italian high school students aged between 14 and 18 in its projects, with the active participation of 17 prestigious newspapers, 16 banking foundations, and 8 large companies with an dynamic CSR policy.
One of the most important projects is "Quality Information in the Classroom", that brings into high school classrooms some of the most prestigious Italian national newspapers. This project enables teachers to promote modern civic education by asking students to compare at least three different sources of information of varying quality with the aim of developing their critical thinking.
Andrea Ceccherini is committed to merge the ‘Progetto Città’ objectives and the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori commitment with the philosophy of the oath taken by the American Indians which reminds us that the world was not bequeathed to us by our fathers, but is on loan from our children, and we must commit to make it a better place than we found it.
For further information, please go to the President’s website: andreaceccherini.com, or his LinkedIn page. Andrea Ceccherini is also on Wikipedia and Google.
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